Highlights from October ATDO Meeting

ATDO had another informative and productive meeting. Under Sarah Quinn’s leadership, ATDO has mailed or hand-delivered voter cards to all democratic voters in Addison township. Sarah thanked all of those who took on this enormous job. Barbara Lonergan and Diane Kalousak provided information on Ballot Chase. Several candidates were present and spoke of their gratitude for all of the ATDO member’s work. Michael Childress (for county board district 1) said that he feels at home with ATDO and knows how hard our organization has worked to support him in his campaign. A representative from Suzy Glowiak Hilton’s campaign (24th Legislative District) stressed that she is in a tough race and needs our help, including on election day. Dan Hebreard (forest preserve president) said that he has filled out the League of Women Voter’s profile, you can also hear his interview on the link provided here.

Jill Otte (for Judge) has been focusing on door knocking, her team has been knocking on between 600-800 doors every weekend. She said that Mia McPherson was sworn in last week in the 18th judicial court. Sonni Choi Williams (for the 3rd appellate court) talked about the importance of electing Democratic judges who will follow the law. When voting for judge retention (end of the ballot) vote “No” to retaining all judges with the exception of a “yes” vote for Bonnie Wheaton.

Our calendar will list opportunities for volunteers to help with candidate phone banks, and distributing candidate signs. If you want to help with ATDO phone banks please contact us. We are close to the finish line!

Our next meeting is Monday, November 28th.