What’s a Precinct Committeeperson?
A Precinct Committeeperson (PC) is the neighborhood representative of the Democratic Party in Addison Township. PCs are critical to ensuring strong, local support for Democratic candidates, issues, and initiatives.
Any registered Democrat is eligible to be a PC in their home precinct!
How to Become a PC
To run for your own Precinct, you’ll need to get a petition signed by a minimum number of residents who reside within your Precinct. Petitions must be signed and submitted by a specific deadline. (The petition window and due dates are currently TBD.)
Petition signatures can be disputed, so it’s always best to get more than the minimum required.
Once your petition has been completed and accepted, your name will be printed on the actual Election Ballot (for your precinct only) as a candidate for the Democratic Precinct Committeeperson to be voted on by the public.
Good news: You only need one vote to ‘win’ — which can be your own!
If there are two or more eligible Democrats in a Precinct running, then the person with the most votes in the Primary will run in November to get officially elected.
We are hopeful we have at least 54 people willing to get their ‘signed petitions’ completed in time for the June Primaries in order to cover all of Addison Township’s Precincts with an acting leader.
For more information or to talk with someone who is already a PC, fill out the form to the left. Someone will contact you shortly.
Thanks for considering becoming a PC!