Our Democracy Is Strongest When Everyone Participates


Join ATDO and help turn DuPage — and the nation — blue! Below are just a few of the many opportunities to lend a hand.

If you have a skill, talent, or interests not listed below, drop us a line at info@addisondemocrats.com and we’ll find a spot for you!

Distribute Door Hangers and Knock on Doors

Getting information directly to voters is one of the most effective ways to help elect Democrats up and down the ticket. The Addison Township Democrats are always looking for people to help gather petition signatures, distribute candidate literature and get out the vote.

Poll Watcher Information

There is a need for Poll Watchers on Election Days. If you or anyone you know is interested, you will need to attend a training certification class to get certified/recognized by the County Board of Elections and assigned to a polling place. For more information, please visit the Pollwatcher Information page at the DuPage County Election Division website.

Serve as an Election Judge

Election Judges oversee the voting process and assist voters in voting. The qualifications of a Judge are: being a citizen of the United States; being a registered voter in DuPage County; being of good repute and character; being able to speak, read, and write the English language; being skilled in the four fundamental rules of arithmetic; being of good understanding and capable. A Candidate, whether one’s name appears on the ballot or as a valid write-in candidate, or an elected Precinct Committeeperson is not eligible to be a Judge.

For more information, visit the Become an Election Judge page at the DuPage County Voter Information website.

If you want to be even more involved, consider becoming a Precinct Committeeperson