New Year’s Resolutions for Addison Township

‘The only thing that remains the same is change’.

This has been my mantra for life for if you really think that statement through, it’s helps one to understand that change is the only thing in life that remains constant. We have certainly proven this through the past 24 months. We should be proud of ourselves, or organizations, and teammates for staying agile, learning to be more flexible, and remaining constant in our belief in Democracy!

But our Democracy has come under attack and we need to fight to retain it as well as our moral compass for the sake of future generations. 

Let’s start 2022 within our own community. Let’s work as hard as possible to elect and reelect our Democratic candidates at all levels local, state, and national. Let’s challenge ourselves to each come up with 3 new ideas for how to make the next few months count!

Membership in the Addison Township Democratic Organization has more than doubled over the last 21 months. Can we double it again this year? I say, “yes!”

Ask your family, friends, and neighbors how they’d like to be help . . . then get them to help. If they have ideas for something ATDO is not doing at the moment, let us know — we’d love to talk with them! Don’t forget to bring the along when canvasing door-to-door. Protecting Democracy isn’t glamorous or easy, but it’s the hard work that returns the greatest reward.

Sarah Quinn
ATDO Chair

Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash