Election results are in – DuPage is turning even bluer! Now let’s support Georgia in getting Raphael Warnock re-elected.

Everyone worked hard to support our outstanding democratic candidates, to help solidify workers’ rights, and to promote mental health services in Illinois as well as Addison Township. Most of our candidates prevailed, and while a few of our candidates did not win their races, they all made a very good showing – even in races that were nearly hopeless from the start. You can follow this link to get the updated results. Let there be no mistake – DuPage Democrats made strong progress. If you have candidate signs in your yard or live near an area where there are a lot of democrat signs, please collect them, contact us and we will pick them up from you.

Democrats have secured the U.S. Senate and have proven that When Democrats Vote Everyone Wins! The fight is not over yet. Georgia needs our help to get Raphael Warnock re-elected. It is hard to believe that this was not a landslide election in his favor taking into consideration who his opponent is – however, there is going to be a run-off. Please contact the link to Raphael’s campaign to see how you can help financially, or contact Postcardstovoters.com and write postcards to Georgia voters.
