Join us for the Bloomingdale Township Democratic Organization Potluck Summer Fundraiser on Saturday, September 14th, from Noon to 3:00 pm in Keeneyville, Illinois, to support candidates Dr. Maria Sinkule and Terrell Barnes!

Bring a dish to share and help us raise small-dollar donations for our candidates.

Dr. Maria Sinkule, a former Addison Public Library President, is running for DuPage County Board District 1 and needs your support as the election approaches.

Terrell Barnes, our organization’s Chair and the current Roselle Public Library District Vice President, is heavily involved in the community and works in the public policy arena. He is planning a run for Roselle Village Trustee in 2025.

This tandem fundraiser supports both these candidates.

Join us for a fun Saturday with delicious food, drinks, backyard games, great conversation, and celebrating America shortly after September 11th.

Don’t forget to email the folks at BTDO ( to let ’em know what dish you’re bringing.

Click this link to the event’s Act Blue page. Once you purchase a ticket the location in Keeneyville will be sent to you.

See you there!