This is an invitation to all ATDO members that have an interest in discussing the most recently updated Bylaws Draft for Tuesday, January 9th, at 7pm at the Wood Dale Library. This meeting is to allow for all members that have proposed revisions/edits/comments on the source document to discuss and finalize a formal final draft that will be voted on by eligible ATDO members at the January 29th Monthly Member Meeting.
For a copy of the bylaws draft, please contact Mandy Puchalski at mandypuchalski@gmail.com.
All members that have any proposed edits/revisions/comments must forward them in writing to Mandy Puchalski by Thursday, January 4th in order to be included in the discussion at our meeting.
All members have been invited to participate on the Bylaws Committee both in writing and verbally at every monthly meeting for the past year. All replies will be compiled into one working draft which will serve as the working document/agenda for the Jan 9th meeting. We will follow Roberts Rules if need be, and we will not be diverting from the document.
Everyone will be able to discuss their own input and/or any other member’s input, but this will not be an open forum for continued random thoughts or comments.
We look forward to your revisions, edits, comments, and discussion.