
Niedziela, 3 Listopada — Idźmy głosować!

Dołącz do nas na marszu społeczności na rzecz wczesnego głosowania! W tę niedzielę, 3 listopada, zbierzmy się razem, aby wysłuchać kluczowych lokalnych liderów, a następnie udajmy się do urn, aby dać się usłyszeć! Dołącz do przewodniczącej Demokratycznej Partii Illinois Lisy Hernandez, kongresmenki Delii Ramirez, kongresmena Jesúsa „Chuya” Garcii, reprezentantki Normy Hernandez, reprezentantki Diane Blair-Sherlock i …

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Domingo 3 de Noviembre —¡Vamos a votar!

¡Únase a nosotros en una marcha comunitaria para votar temprano! Este domingo 3 de noviembre, ¡reunámonos para escuchar a los líderes locales clave y luego vayamos a las urnas para hacernos oír! Únase a la presidenta del Partido Demócrata de Illinois, Lisa Hernández, la congresista Delia Ramírez, el congresista Jesús “Chuy” García, la representante Norma …

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Sunday, Nov. 3rd — Let’s Go Vote!

Join us for a community march to Early Vote! Tomorrow — Sunday, November 3rd — let’s rally together to hear from key local leaders then march to the polls and cast our ballots to make our voices heard! Join Democratic Party of Illinois Chair Lisa Hernandez, Congresswoman Delia Ramirez, Congressman Jesús “Chuy” Garcia, Representative Norma …

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Addison Trails Senior Joins ATDO As Precinct Committeeperson

ATDO Chairperson, Sarah Quinn, welcomes Addison Trails senior Sophia Saucedo to the fight for democracy as Sophia joins Team Blue as an appointed PC! Sophia is working on a campaign project for her AP Government class, part of which involves helping out on an actual campaign to learn first-hand what local politics is like — including …

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October 5th: DuPage Women’s Day of Action for Judge Chantelle Porter

On Saturday, October 5th, join DuPage women as they knock doors and inform voters about the qualifications and integrity of Judge Chantelle Porter — candidate for the 18th Judicial Circuit of DuPage County, 1st Subcircuit! Address lists and talking points will be provided. RSVP to Together, we’ll ensure Judge Porter wins!

featured image for the Addison Medinah Shriners parade on 08252024

ATDO Event: Addison Medinah Shriners Parade with the Judges

Join Judge Chantelle Porter, Judge John Anderson, Justice Linda Davenport, and Justice Lance Peterson at the Addison Medinah Shriners Parade on August 25th! Step off is at 3pm. That’s all we know at the moment, but get yourselves— and your friends and family — ready for action! The City of Addison will be sending us …

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Writing postcards

Postcards for Candidates

Join us Monday, July 29th at the Wood Dale Public Library starting at 6:00 PM to write campaign and informational postcards on behalf of Justice Chantelle Porter, candidate for the 18th Judicial Circuit of DuPage County – 1st Subcircuit.

Knock Doors in WI with Raja 07272024

Saturday, July 27th — Knock Doors in WI with Raja

Join Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi to knock doors in Milwaukee! There are few things more impactful than talking to voters directly — that’s why we’re so grateful for your passion, your energy, and your time. Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.